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Beer Bread

I had been making this bread for years, but wasn’t overly impressed. Then, just the other evening, my sister-in-law Nancy was raving over the beer bread she had made. We compared recipes and I decided to try hers. Hands down, this is the best beer bread I have ever eaten. The secret is the kind […]

Breakfast, Main dish

German Apple Pancake

Nothing’s better than the aroma of apples sauteing in butter, cinnamon and nutmeg on a Sunday morning. That’s what you will experience when you make this delightful baked apple pancake. I added this recipe to my collection over 10 years ago and have served it to many guests through the years. The light and tender […]

Side Dishes, Vegetables

Funeral Potatoes

My sister-in-law Eileen shared this recipe with me years ago. Of course I had to ask WHY this fabulous hash brown casserole was called Funeral Potatoes. The story goes… when someone in the parish passed away, the church ladies would host a luncheon after the funeral for the family and friends, and this was one […]

Fruit Salad, Side Dishes

Fruit Salad Surprise

Before I retired, every once in a while, we would have a “pot luck” luncheon, where everyone would bring a dish to share. One of the ladies brought in this mouthwatering dish and shared the recipe. Sadly, I don’t remember which lady brought this in, so I’ll just say “thank you, who ever you are”.