
Let us eat cake! Often the centerpiece of a celebration, cakes make the person of the moment feel that much more special. It’s that little extra that makes a good celebration great!

Cakes, Desserts

Chocolate Strawberry Layer Cake

This three layer, moist chocolate cake is filled with delicious strawberry buttercream frosting. That’s good in itself, but top that off with a layer of chocolate ganache and chocolate covered fresh strawberries for a real treat. This cake takes time to prepare, but it’s worth every minute. Enjoy!

Breads, Cakes, Desserts

Strawberry Bread

If you’re looking for a quick & easy treat that includes strawberries, look no further. This bread can be whipped up in just a few minutes without dragging out the mixer. It’s a moist, not too sweet bread, with a tasty strawberry glaze, that goes great with a cup of coffee or a tall glass […]

Cakes, Desserts

Spumoni Cake

I was thumbing through a church cookbook and came across this recipe, submitted by Clarice Gorton. Anyone that knows me, knows that I don’t favor cakes made from a mix…just my personal preference. However, occasionally, I’ll come across a recipe that intrigues me, as this one did. I tried it, we liked it, so here’s […]

Cakes, Desserts

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

I recently traveled to Colorado to attend my nephews wedding. While there, his soon to be mother in law invited us over for dinner. For dessert, she baked a pineapple upside down cake. Now I must admit, I generally don’t care for this type of cake as it is usually extremely sweet. However, this cake […]

Breakfast, Cakes, Desserts

Cinnamon Swirl Coffee Cake

Recently I was at the car dealers waiting for my car to be serviced when a lady came in and noticed I was reading a cooking magazine. We started chatting and I told her all about my website. We talked for quite some time about different coffee cakes and she mentioned that her daughter bakes […]

Cakes, Desserts

Chocolate Nut Cake

While thumbing through an old cookbook of Mom’s, I came across a handwritten recipe for a cake that I haven’t had in over 60 years. Just seeing Mom’s beautiful handwriting again just about brought tears to my eyes. But even more joy filled my heart when I read the ingredients and realized this was one […]

Cakes, Desserts

Louisiana Crunch Cake

Have you ever had a hankering for a sweet,crunchy and downright delicious cake that’s easy to make? This cake is all that and more…the perfect treat for a brunch or really anytime of the day. I found this online some time ago, printed it up and slid it in my “recipes to try” folder. I […]

Cakes, Desserts

Lemon Blueberry Cake

Each year in late July or early August, a Blueberry Festival is held here in the UP. That’s when I buy a few quarts of fresh, Michigan blueberries. I head home, bake a pie and a Lemon Blueberry Cake. This lemony fresh cake is moist, laced with blueberries and topped with a lemon frosting that […]

Cakes, Desserts

Cemetery Cake (Chocolate)

A few days ago, someone posted this recipe on a social media site, noting it came from the Milwaukee Public Library Recipe File. Being the curious person I am, I felt the need to try out the recipe and I’m glad I did! It’s so easy to put together, using simple ingredients you most likely […]