Side Dishes

Side dishes enhance the main course and really round out your meals. They might not be the star of the show, but these tasty dishes are just as memorable!

Desserts, Sauces

Hot Fudge Sauce

My sister-in-law Mary would make a jar of this sauce and when I would go to visit, I would bring ice cream. As soon as I walked in the door, she would warm up some of this chocolate sauce to drizzle over the ice cream. How she stayed so slim & trim I do not […]

Side Dishes, Vegetables

Funeral Potatoes

My sister-in-law Eileen shared this recipe with me years ago. Of course I had to ask WHY this fabulous hash brown casserole was called Funeral Potatoes. The story goes… when someone in the parish passed away, the church ladies would host a luncheon after the funeral for the family and friends, and this was one […]

Fruit Salad, Side Dishes

Fruit Salad Surprise

Before I retired, every once in a while, we would have a “pot luck” luncheon, where everyone would bring a dish to share. One of the ladies brought in this mouthwatering dish and shared the recipe. Sadly, I don’t remember which lady brought this in, so I’ll just say “thank you, who ever you are”.

Salads, Side Dishes

Chicken Tutti Fruiti Salad

I was given this recipe over 30 years ago. Louise just called it chicken salad, but that was too plain of a name for this fruity, tasty dish . So I told her I was renaming her dish after a song that came to mind while I was enjoying this salad. Once you taste it, […]